Maïté Lamont

Inex shares expertise with African dairy companies

Inex had been playing with the idea of supporting dairy projects in Africa for some time. Through Exchange, a non-profit organisation that supports promising African entrepreneurs and their growth, Inex came into contact with the dairy companies Blessed Dairies (Rwanda) and Kombeza Foods (Malawi). Belgian-African partnership Our Managing Director Cathérine Gilain-Pycke paid her first visit […]

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Inex Superior Taste Award

Inex 40% Cream Achieves Superior Taste Award for Sixth Time in a Row

Our Inex 40% whipped cream is also proving to be a ‘chef’s favourite’ worldwide. Our premium quality cream has been awarded the Superior Taste Award for the sixth time in a row by a jury of renowned national and international chefs! The International Taste Institute is an independent organisation of chefs and sommeliers who review,

Inex 40% Cream Achieves Superior Taste Award for Sixth Time in a Row Read More »